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a.               Realization of specific needs – The first step toward self-improvement comes with the realization of specific needs.  Everyone but the vainest egotist must confess general imperfection. Exactly what is it that I need in order to be a better teacher?
b.              Self-appraisal according to an ideal standard – Next step involves checking oneself against a list of ideal qualifications.
-                  take the following list of desirable qualities of a Sunday School Teacher and mark those that you possess in reasonably full measure
-                  those that you have in fair degree
-                  those that are conspicuously lacking ; like –
i.                vital Christian experience
ii.              reasonably normal health
iii.            nervous stability
iv.            cheerful optimistic spirit
v.              unselfish interest in people
vi.            patience under difficulties
vii.          interest in ideas, based on reading and study
viii.        good background of bible knowledge
ix.             consistent prayer life and Christian living
x.               Love of Christ and His church and desire to win others.

Systematic strengthening of discovered weaknesses is the third step to be taken by prayerful earnest, definite effort is made to strengthen the weak places which self examination has revealed.


-                  The teacher must have something to share with people. (Matthew 11:25-26)
-                  A Christian teacher shares Christ.
The more of Christ the better the teacher – Phil. 3:7-12 “Howbeit what things were gain to me, these have I counted loss for Christ. 8 Yea verily, and I count all things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but refuse, that I may gain Christ, 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of mine own, even that which is of the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith: 10 that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, becoming conformed unto his death; 11 if by any means I may attain unto the resurrection from the dead. 12 Not that I have already obtained, or am already made perfect: but I press on, if so be that I may lay hold on that for which also I was laid hold on by Christ Jesus

-                  Practice Christ’s great commandment is the first law of the teacher to be kept. “John 15:12 -This is my commandment, that ye love one another, even as I have loved you”
-                  “He that loveth not knoweth our God; for God is love” – 1 John 4:8
-                  Be your best self, imitating of others is a sign of weakness. Eph. 4:7; Rom. 217-23; 1 Corin. 15:1-10
-                  Improvement your Bible Study for these under listed reasons:
a.               The problem of human inadequacy
b.              The need of Divine Resources – 2 Tim. 2:15
c.               Bible’s sufficiency for every need -2 Tim. 3:15-17
d.              The Bible is a Guide book for Right Living (right living teaches others). Psalm 119:105; Prov. 30:5; Luke 11:28 and John 20:31
e.               Study the Bible systematically
f.                Study the Bible extensively
g.               Study the Bible intensively – The Books; The subject
h.              In respect of people, you need to encourage them to improve their study by given them assignment related to the topic.
i.                Tell them the victory and blessing in doing so.
j.                Give them chance to say something they studied related to the class work.

IMPROVE OUR AIMS – The High importance of Aims

a.               Aims is the basic mark of intelligence. It is assumed that deep in the heart of every real teacher is the desire for improvement. Improvement of self and the people.
b.              Lack of aims is a chief cause of failure
c.               Some consequences of aimlessness. Aims are necessary in teaching for these reasons – (i) in order to make intelligent plan. (2) in order to give direction to procedures (3) in order to make connection between related parts (4) in order to choose the best methods and most appropriate materials, (5) in order to check up on results.
d.              WHILE, lacking well-defined aims result to: (1) the teacher will wander (2) the class will lose sense of direction, (3) there will be little association (other parts of the Bible) ideas (4) time will be wasted on non-essentials (5) having started nowhere, the teacher and class will probably get nowhere.


          The teacher should seek favorable condition of study. It is important to have a physical situation conducive to study. Studying in the midst of disorder or distractions is a wasteful exercise.
-                  The Teacher must have a quiet place away from conversation, radio, disturbing sights and sounds.
-                  It is also important to have adequate equipment for study. (but not everybody can have this)
-                  But it is not beyond the reach of most of us to provide a quiet place with table or desk, pencil and paper, folders
-                  Teacher’s Bible with concordance dictionary.
-                  A plan of study assures better results
i.                know when you are studying – do not confuse study with random reading
ii.              take a problem solving attitude  - constantly raise questions and seek their answers.
iii.            Underscore important items that fit into your developing plan.
iv.            Lift out materials from your reading and reduce them to brief notes as they appeal to your sense of value;
v.              Go frequently back to your own experience for materials that your reading suggests.
vi.            Pray that light from above may be shed on the scripture passage and the problem of getting it effectually into the experience of your people.
-                  Group Study is stimulating and Helpful for these reasons also:
i.                Sharing the essence of effective study.
ii.              They exchange ideas, discuss difficulties, present various angles, ask questions, suggest illustration, determine aims, propose conclusions and activities, which will stimulate and enrich all who take part.
iii.            Group study should never take the place of private study.

My greatest advice for you all is that, let HOLY SPIRIT be the closest partner in all your studies and assignments. I leave you to the hands of Holy Spirit and my prayer is that by His mercy we will not fail God, Amen.

Until another wonderful time if Christ tarry His coming, stay blessed in Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen.

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