The days and lives of the prophets mirrored to us many of our
own present-day situations. We can certainly see the need for truth to prevail
at a time when truth is stumbling in the streets. Prophet Isaiah said it almost 3000 years ago.
“Truth has stumbled in the street, and uprightness cannot enter. Yes, truth
lacking” - Many people do not want to hear the truth if it is the least bit
inconvenient, uncomfortable, or politically incorrect. But that will never change
our need to hear the truth. Truth needs to be the foundation of our service for
When we look for truth we must
always go to the Lord and His Word first.
The Word – Jesus – has not been silent, and He has not left Himself
without witness. He has sent many men
and women throughout the centuries to proclaim His message. With this simple
fact, let me bring us to some prophets of old.
These prophets ministered at very
different times in the life of the nation of Israel
– times of famine and drought, times of economic prosperity, times of decline
and corruption and times of spiritual renewal. So also, they came from very
different backgrounds – we find priests, judge, farmer and a shepherd. Some
were friends of the king, some were enemies of the king, and some had unknown
background. Each prophet had different
ministry assignments
The prophets had many differences in
their lives, but they all had one thing in common; they brought the truth of
God to the people. They heard the Word of God clearly and spoke it faithfully.
The people did not always like what the prophets said, and they certainly did
not always obey what they said, but the people could never say that God had not
made Himself clear.
Sadly many lives, many families,
many nations, even many churches today have built on wrong foundations, and,
for some, they have gone past mere structural damage. They have crashed and
someone has to try and clean up the mess. If only truth had been the first
thing on the list of building materials. This book is all about coming back to
the truth, tearing our crumbling foundations, and replacing them with solid
truth. This book recorded not as the word of men, but as the very Word of God –
“for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by
the Holy Spirit spoke from God.” 2 Peter 1:2
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