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A Need for Daily Victory
Psalm 68:1-3

Day by day we are faced with struggles. And because of these struggles we are in need of daily victories. The last time I preached the enemy was revealed and we found out that Satan has heavenly attributes but because of his self infatuation he was kicked out of heaven and since then he is going around as a roaring lion seeking who he can devour. So today I want to talk about how important it is to have a need for daily victories. As believers in Christ we have three main enemies in life. They are constantly present to harass us, create conflict for us and generate trouble for us. We need to understand that we cannot escape any of them completely as long as we are alive but we are assured victory over them as long as we rely on the Lord Jesus Christ for our wisdom, power and ability to endure. We have three enemies- the world, the flesh and the devil. And every single day we are faced with all of them and our best recourse is to learn how to deal with them and have victory over them. The reason why it is important to have daily victories is because it makes for a victorious life. I don’t know about you but I want to live victorious. So many people have anchored themselves in self pity and torment because they refuse to let God Arise. How is it that people expect a Godly outcome in an ungodly lifestyle? People will cry and slobber on you about there life and at the same time won’t do anything to change it. But it is up to us to deliver the word of God to them. We can’t afford to bite our tongues. The enemy attack is exploding is bringing things at rapid speeds, the flesh is still bent toward fleshly desires and satan is turning folks out left and right. So I have a need for Daily Victory. Make no mistake about it everything you have been delivered from the devil is trying to pull you back to or back through. God doesn’t raise you up for you to fall, He doesn’t free you for you to fall back into, He doesn’t unlock for you to be chained down. He provides us with the Holy Spirit who resides within us to say no to the temptations of this world and to overcome and control our fleshly desires. The Holy Spirit also enables us to withstand the assaults of the devil on a day to day basis to experience peace and wholeness even in the face of severe spiritual opposition. If no one told you when you became saved you became engaged in a ongoing battle. A battle that waged in the spiritual realm and it has eternal and far-reaching spiritual consequences. The devils purpose is not simply to irritate us or make our lives difficult. His goal is to destroy us in the spiritual realm and by doing that he annihilates us physically, materially, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. But the devil is a lie. I wake up everyday with a need for victory because I know I go up against a defeated foe. Revelations 20:10 tells me that he will be cast into the lake of fire. But until then I’ll let God


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